How to Switch to Natural Deodorants

Most of us rely on deodorant or antiperspirant every day, and it’s often one we’ve picked up for cheap on our weekly shop, without really considering the ingredients and the real cost on our body and environment. But hey, you've landed on the Pit Putty blog!
So as you’re here, you may be thinking about switching to a kinder, more natural product, and the question we’re asked most often is...
The short answer is YES!
Thousands of happy customers can testify to this (and you can check out some of their reviews here) but you can also be assured that when you purchase Pit Putty you are always covered by our 30-day happiness guarantee.
Why should I switch to natural deodorant?
Great question! A small switch can have a big impact for your health and the environment over the long term. Pit Putty is made from only natural ingredients and that means no perfumes, preservatives or cheap synthetic ingredients. Yes, your deodorant will be scented with 100% plant oils, wow! We love animals and so we've decided not to sell to countries that require animal testing, such a China. Each tin tins can be purchased with a clean conscience; well matched to our clean ingredients list.
Natural health is our main drive and why we created Pit Putty in the first place. When living to the northern tropics of the Australian coast, one of our friends was diagnosed with a skin melanoma, and was told by her specialist to avoid all products with SLS in them. So as the naturally curious beings we are, we went home and checked our own skincare products. Low and behold, SLS or sodium lauryl sulphate was in ALL of our cleansers! This led us to begin researching the other nasties that went into most of our bathroom products, including our antiperspirant.
We learned aluminium in particular works in deodorants by literally plugging the sweat glands and preventing them from producing sweat. Peer reviewed publications have also suggested that exposure to aluminium could have potentially negative health consequences, including an increased risk of breast cancer.
Did you know you should also be allowing your body to sweat! We’ve all been that bright red tomato, on the way home from a particularly energetic gym session, but believe it or not it’s actually good to sweat, as it’s our body's way of regulating our temperature and releasing any toxins.
Pit Putty absorbs mild sweating and makes any perspirations completely odorless! You can read more about how Pit Putty works here!
💚 You found it! Our exclusive offer - you can pick up one of our Mini Sticks or Mini Tins for FREE! But only if you click here! 💚
Do I need to detox before I switch to natural deodorant?
We often get asked about “detoxing” your pits before starting using Pit Putty, and whether slapping on a combination of clay and apple cider vinegar will speed up the process in removing all those pesky toxins, leaving a pure, blank canvas style armpit?
Some of our customers choose to detox, but there’s actually no scientific evidence that detoxing your armpits actually works, and we’ve found this ingredient combination can potentially just irritate your underarms. We've found that there is often an adjustment period of up to 2 weeks, an often only a few days.
But fear not, there are other, very easy, steps you can take to prepare your pits for Pit Putty!
1. Take lovely hot baths to help open your pores, and use a gentle exfoliant on your pits. Why not try our Charcoal Soapy Suds? The activated charcoal in this pore purging power bar works by binding dirt and oil, leaving your pores fresh and clear!
2. We can’t say it enough - drink more water! Water helps remove the toxins in the body in a very natural way…if you catch our drift….
3. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics, such as linen and cotton. Polyester is known to trap moisture, which can have rather pongy results.
How long will it take for my body to get used to natural deodorant?
It usually takes up to a week for your pits to get used to your new Pit Putty, but for some it may be quicker.
If you're transitioning from an antiperspirant, you may find that you sweat a bit with light exercise, but remember, sweat is GOOD and will be odorless. Rest assured, this will normalise quite quickly and due to the moisture absorbing qualities of natural plant root powder Arrowroot that is used in Pit Putty, many people will remain dry all day.
You know what, let's give Pit Putty a try!
Well, we have 2 applications for you to choose from - either a tin or a stick, and it’s simply personal preference as to which one you pick. Both applications are available in all of our gorgeous scents, which are made from 100% plant oils, and we even offer a fragrance free stick for those who want no scent at all.
If you’re unsure about which Pit Putty you want to try, you can always pick up one of our Mini’s! With all the benefits of our big tins and sticks, these pocket sized products last around 1-2 weeks, which is the perfect amount of time to make sure Pit Putty is right for you.
Let us know if you’ve made the switch to Pit Putty, and how you found your switch to a more sustainable deodorant.